Self esteem
What is it? What does it mean?
To be stable, happy, healthy and keen?
Our perception of self may not be as it seems
We may think we’re not important
Less relevant, unseen!
Or perhaps we value ourselves a lot less
Worry about image, achievements & stress!
Forget that we actually have unfulfilled needs
A relevance, a purpose, need nurturing like seeds.
Avoiding social situations, with a mood so low.
Feeling inadequate, lonely, too far below!
Feelings take time to develop you know.
So don’t expect your confidence to suddenly grow.
Set yourself a challenge, a task or a goal
Change your mindset, your attitude, be brave, be bold
With positive self talk, determination, self belief
Your perception can change,
Turn over a new leaf!
So what is it? This self esteem?
It’s about feeling the best you’ve ever been!
Loving yourself , the good and the bad
Not giving in to the thoughts that make you sad!